Gift Tulsi. Gift Health
Gift Tulsi. Gift Health The healing power of the ‘Queen of Herbs’ Tulsi was recognized thousands of years ago in Ayurveda. Science is today awakening to the power of Tulsi. Covid has shown mankind that we cannot anymore live the illusion of separation. We need to take care of each other. That is how we […]
Tulsi Shakti to Delhi Police

Tulsi Shakti to Delhi Police Every nation has days and places it considers special. 26 Jan is our Republic Day. A day we celebrate our nation and our armed forces. Across India and the world millions of Indians tune in to witness the celebrations. The Red Fort has significance for every Indian. Even for those […]
Tulsi, a wellness Shakti for your Chowkidar

Tulsi, a wellness Shakti for your Chowkidar Every building – residential, office has security guards who stand all day near the gates. Even without a pandemic they face the daily exposure to air pollution, which is as deadly as Covid. Sometimes more so because chronic exposure to air pollution impacts overall immunity and opens the […]
Tulsi Shakti

Tulsi is an aromatic shrub in the basil family Lamiaceae (tribe ocimeae). It was recognized and revered in ancient India thousands of years ago as the Queen of Herbs.Rituals in our culture honor the therapeutic and spiritual aspects of this powerful herb.As a science of life and the world’s oldest medical system, Ayurveda has a […]